W3C勧告XSLの「Formatting Properties / プロパティ型」とは
7 プロパティ・属性の書式設定 7.1 プロパティグループの説明 7.2 XSL領域とCSS「 Box Model 」 7.3 相対矩形の比率計算 Reference Rectangle for Percentage Computations 7.4 CSSデータタイプの追加 Additional CSS Datatypes 7.5 一般的に利用されるプロパティ Common Accessibility Properties 7.5.1 source-document 7.5.2 role 7.6 一般的な絶対値プロパティ Common Absolute Position Properties 7.6.1 absolute-position 7.6.2 top 7.6.3 right 7.6.4 bottom 7.6.5 left 7.7 一般的な聴覚プロパティ 7.7.1 azimuth 7.7.2 cue-after 7.7.3 cue-before 7.7.4 elevation 7.7.5 pause-after 7.7.6 pause-before 7.7.7 pitch 7.7.8 pitch-range 7.7.9 play-during 7.7.10 richness 7.7.11 speak 7.7.12 speak-header 7.7.13 speak-numeral 7.7.14 speak-punctuation 7.7.15 speech-rate 7.7.16 stress 7.7.17 voice-family 7.7.18 volume 7.8 一般的なBorder, Padding, Backgroundプロパティ 7.8.1 background-attachment 7.8.2 background-color 7.8.3 background-image 7.8.4 background-repeat 7.8.5 background-position-horizontal 7.8.6 background-position-vertical 7.8.7 border-before-color 7.8.8 border-before-style 7.8.9 border-before-width 7.8.10 border-after-color 7.8.11 border-after-style 7.8.12 border-after-width 7.8.13 border-start-color 7.8.14 border-start-style 7.8.15 border-start-width 7.8.16 border-end-color 7.8.17 border-end-style 7.8.18 border-end-width 7.8.19 border-top-color 7.8.20 border-top-style 7.8.21 border-top-width 7.8.22 border-bottom-color 7.8.23 border-bottom-style 7.8.24 border-bottom-width 7.8.25 border-left-color 7.8.26 border-left-style 7.8.27 border-left-width 7.8.28 border-right-color 7.8.29 border-right-style 7.8.30 border-right-width 7.8.31 padding-before 7.8.32 padding-after 7.8.33 padding-start 7.8.34 padding-end 7.8.35 padding-top 7.8.36 padding-bottom 7.8.37 padding-left 7.8.38 padding-right 7.9 一般的なフォントプロパティ 7.9.1 Fonts and Font Data 7.9.2 font-family 7.9.3 font-selection-strategy 7.9.4 font-size 7.9.5 font-stretch 7.9.6 font-size-adjust 7.9.7 font-style 7.9.8 font-variant 7.9.9 font-weight 7.10 一般的なハイフン[ - ]付きプロパティ 7.10.1 country 7.10.2 language 7.10.3 script 7.10.4 hyphenate 7.10.5 hyphenation-character 7.10.6 hyphenation-push-character-count 7.10.7 hyphenation-remain-character-count 7.11 一般的なマージンプロパティブロック 7.11.1 margin-top 7.11.2 margin-bottom 7.11.3 margin-left 7.11.4 margin-right 7.11.5 space-before 7.11.6 space-after 7.11.7 start-indent 7.11.8 end-indent 7.12 一般的なマージンインラインプロパティ 7.12.1 margin-top 7.12.2 margin-bottom 7.12.3 margin-left 7.12.4 margin-right 7.12.5 space-end 7.12.6 space-start 7.13 一般的な相対値プロパティ 7.13.1 top 7.13.2 right 7.13.3 bottom 7.13.4 left 7.13.5 relative-position 7.14 領域調整プロパティ 7.14.1 alignment-adjust 7.14.2 alignment-baseline 7.14.3 baseline-shift 7.14.4 display-align 7.14.5 dominant-baseline 7.14.6 relative-align 7.15 領域寸法プロパティ 7.15.1 allowed-height-scale 7.15.2 allowed-width-scale 7.15.3 block-progression-dimension 7.15.4 content-height 7.15.5 content-width 7.15.6 height 7.15.7 inline-progression-dimension 7.15.8 max-height 7.15.9 max-width 7.15.10 min-height 7.15.11 min-width 7.15.12 scaling 7.15.13 scaling-method 7.15.14 width 7.16 ブロックと行に関連するプロパティ 7.16.1 hyphenation-keep 7.16.2 hyphenation-ladder-count 7.16.3 last-line-end-indent 7.16.4 line-height 7.16.5 line-height-shift-adjustment 7.16.6 line-stacking-strategy 7.16.7 linefeed-treatment 7.16.8 white-space-treatment 7.16.9 text-align 7.16.10 text-align-last 7.16.11 text-indent 7.16.12 white-space-collapse 7.16.13 wrap-option 7.17 文字プロパティ 7.17.1 character 7.17.2 letter-spacing 7.17.3 suppress-at-line-break 7.17.4 text-decoration 7.17.5 text-shadow 7.17.6 text-transform 7.17.7 treat-as-word-space 7.17.8 word-spacing 7.18 色・色調・カラープロパティ 7.18.1 color 7.18.2 color-profile-name 7.18.3 rendering-intent 7.19 フロート関連プロパティ 7.19.1 clear 7.19.2 float 7.19.3 intrusion-displace 7.20 保持と解除プロパティ 7.20.1 break-after 7.20.2 break-before 7.20.3 keep-together 7.20.4 keep-with-next 7.20.5 keep-with-previous 7.20.6 orphans 7.20.7 widows 7.21 レイアウト関連プロパティ 7.21.1 clip 7.21.2 overflow 7.21.3 reference-orientation 7.21.4 span 7.22 先頭とルールプロパティ Leader and Rule Properties 7.22.1 leader-alignment 7.22.2 leader-pattern 7.22.3 leader-pattern-width 7.22.4 leader-length 7.22.5 rule-style 7.22.6 rule-thickness 7.23 動的効果のあるオブジェクト書式プロパティ Properties for Dynamic Effects Formatting Objects 7.23.1 active-state 7.23.2 auto-restore 7.23.3 case-name 7.23.4 case-title 7.23.5 destination-placement-offset 7.23.6 external-destination 7.23.7 indicate-destination 7.23.8 internal-destination 7.23.9 show-destination 7.23.10 starting-state 7.23.11 switch-to 7.23.12 target-presentation-context 7.23.13 target-processing-context 7.23.14 target-stylesheet 7.24 インデックス化プロパティ 7.24.1 index-class 7.24.2 index-key 7.24.3 page-number-treatment 7.24.4 merge-ranges-across-index-key-references 7.24.5 merge-sequential-page-numbers 7.24.6 merge-pages-across-index-key-references 7.24.7 ref-index-key 7.25 マーカープロパティ 7.25.1 marker-class-name 7.25.2 retrieve-boundary-within-table 7.25.3 retrieve-class-name 7.25.4 retrieve-position 7.25.5 retrieve-boundary 7.25.6 retrieve-position-within-table 7.26 数値文字列変換プロパティ 7.26.1 format 7.26.2 grouping-separator 7.26.3 grouping-size 7.26.4 letter-value 7.27 ページ番号付けとレイアウトプロパティ 7.27.1 blank-or-not-blank 7.27.2 column-count 7.27.3 column-gap 7.27.4 extent 7.27.5 flow-name 7.27.6 force-page-count 7.27.7 initial-page-number 7.27.8 master-name 7.27.9 master-reference 7.27.10 maximum-repeats 7.27.11 media-usage 7.27.12 odd-or-even 7.27.13 page-height 7.27.14 page-position 7.27.15 page-width 7.27.16 precedence 7.27.17 region-name 7.27.18 flow-map-name 7.27.19 flow-map-reference 7.27.20 flow-name-reference 7.27.21 region-name-reference 7.28 テーブルプロパティ 7.28.1 border-after-precedence 7.28.2 border-before-precedence 7.28.3 border-collapse 7.28.4 border-end-precedence 7.28.5 border-separation 7.28.6 border-start-precedence 7.28.7 caption-side 7.28.8 column-number 7.28.9 column-width 7.28.10 empty-cells 7.28.11 ends-row 7.28.12 number-columns-repeated 7.28.13 number-columns-spanned 7.28.14 number-rows-spanned 7.28.15 starts-row 7.28.16 table-layout 7.28.17 table-omit-footer-at-break 7.28.18 table-omit-header-at-break 7.29 記述モード関連プロパティ 7.29.1 direction 7.29.2 glyph-orientation-horizontal 7.29.3 glyph-orientation-vertical 7.29.4 text-altitude 7.29.5 text-depth 7.29.6 unicode-bidi 7.29.7 writing-mode 7.30 多岐にわたるプロパティ 7.30.1 change-bar-class 7.30.2 change-bar-color 7.30.3 change-bar-offset 7.30.4 change-bar-placement 7.30.5 change-bar-style 7.30.6 change-bar-width 7.30.7 content-type 7.30.8 id 7.30.9 intrinsic-scale-value 7.30.10 page-citation-strategy 7.30.11 provisional-label-separation 7.30.12 provisional-distance-between-starts 7.30.13 ref-id 7.30.14 scale-option 7.30.15 score-spaces 7.30.16 src 7.30.17 visibility 7.30.18 z-index 7.31 (まとめて設定可能な)略記プロパティ 7.31.1 background 7.31.2 background-position 7.31.3 border 7.31.4 border-bottom 7.31.5 border-color 7.31.6 border-left 7.31.7 border-right 7.31.8 border-style 7.31.9 border-spacing 7.31.10 border-top 7.31.11 border-width 7.31.12 cue 7.31.13 font 7.31.14 margin 7.31.15 padding 7.31.16 page-break-after 7.31.17 page-break-before 7.31.18 page-break-inside 7.31.19 pause 7.31.20 position 7.31.21 size 7.31.22 vertical-align 7.31.23 white-space 7.31.24 xml:lang |